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The following is a list of projects that use Trilinos. If your project uses Trilinos and you would like to be acknowledged on this page, please send the name of your project, a brief description, and any relevant links to

“A Software Environment for Developing Complex Multiphysics Applications”
“EMPHASIS™ / Nevada is a time-domain, structured (FDTD), unstructured (FETD), and hybrid (FDTD-FETD) full-wave electromagnetics code plus particle-in-cell (PIC) low-density plasma capability, eddy-current magnetics, and electrostatics. Applications include pulsed-power flow, microwave circuits, synthetic-aperture radar, cable and cavity system-generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP), and box internal electromagnetic pulse (IEMP).”
“Salinas provides a massively parallel implementation of structural dynamics finite element analysis.”
“Originally developed in support of the electrical designers at Sandia National Laboratories, Xyce has become a large part of the design and analytical process of circuit simulations. Being a parallel code, it not only allows the simulations of circuits of unprecedented size, but has addressed possible solutions to critical numerical kernels such as improved time-stepping algorithms and controls, better convergence of the nonlinear solver, and improved device methods.”
“Many important scientific and engineering applications require a detailed analysis of complex systems with coupled fluid flow, thermal energy transfer, mass transfer and nonequilibrium chemical reactions. Currently, computer simulations of these complex reacting flow problems are limited to idealized systems in one or two spatial dimensions when coupled with a detailed, fundamental chemistry model. The goal of our research is to develop, analyze and implement advanced MP numerical algorithms that will allow high resolution 3D simulations with an equal emphasis on fluid flow and chemical kinetics modeling. In our research, we focus on the development of new, fully coupled, implicit solution strategies that are based on robust MP iterative solution methods.”
“Sundance is a system for rapid development of high-performance parallel finite-element solutions of partial differential equations. It is built on top of an engine for automatic differentiation of symbolic objects, thereby enabling differentiable simulations for use in optimization, uncertainty quantification, and adaptive error control.”
“The goal of these projects is to develop state of the art computational capabilities that will facilitate calculation of the structure and properties of fluids at the nanoscale near surfaces and macromolecules. At this length scale fluids are inhomogeneous and common approximations such as incompressibility do not apply. The particular molecular theories currently treated by these codes are density functional theories (DFTs). We have developed two codes (Tramonto and FasTram) to solve certain DFTs.”
“The DAKOTA (Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications) toolkit provides a flexible, extensible interface between analysis codes and iterative systems analysis methods. DAKOTA contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, and stochastic finite element methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study capabilities. These capabilities may be used on their own or as components within advanced strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming, or optimization under uncertainty. By employing object-oriented design to implement abstractions of the key components required for iterative systems analyses, the DAKOTA toolkit provides a flexible and extensible problem-solving environment as well as a platform for research of advanced solution methodologies.”
“SCALE (Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation) is developed and maintained by ORNL under contract with the NRC and DOE to perform reactor physics, citricality safety, radiation shielding, and spent fuel characterization for nuclear facilities and transportation/storage package designs.”
“SyFi is a C++ library built on top of the symbolic math library [GiNaC]( The name SyFi stands for Symbolic Finite Elements. The package provides polygonal domains, polynomial spaces, and degrees of freedom as symbolic expressions that are easily manipulated. This makes it easy to define finite elements, weak forms etc. In the new version 0.3.0, we have created a matrix factory capable of creating various Epetra matrices, such as mass, stiffness, convection, and divergence matrices of various order in both 2D and 3D. The linear systems are then solved by using Trilinos.”