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Below is a listing of current and past Trilinos contributors. Additions, updates and corrections can be sent to the Trilinos-Framework mail list.

Current Contributors

Mike Heroux [email] [website]
Trilinos Project Leader
Scalable Linear Algebra Capability Area Leader
Lead developer of Epetra, AztecOO, Kokkos, Komplex, IFPACK, and TriUtils
Developer of Amesos, Belos, EpetraExt, Jpetra, New_Package, Teuchos, and Tpetra

Travis Austin

Ross Bartlett [email] [website]
Lead developer of Thyra, RTOp, Stratimikos, and Moocho
Developer of Teuchos and Rythmos

Matt Bettencourt

Pavel Bochev [email]
Discretizations Capability Area Leader

Paul Boggs [email]
Developer of TSFExtended

Erik Boman [email]
Lead developer of Isorropia
Developer of Zoltan

Todd Coffey [email]
Lead developer of Rythmos

Julien Cortial

Eric Cyr [email]
Lead developer of Teko

David Day [email]
Developer of Komplex, IFPACK, TAmesos

Karen Devine [email]
Geometry, Meshing & Load Balancing Capability Area Leader
Lead developer of Zoltan
Developer of Isorropia

Clark Dohrmann [email]
Lead developer of CLAPS

Carter Edwards

Jeremie Gaidamour

Deaglan Halligan

Steve Hamilton [email]
Developer of Anasazi

Glen Hansen [email]
Lead developer of Moertel

Heath Hanshaw

David Hensinger [email]
Lead developer of Pamgen

Robert Hoekstra [email]
Developer of Epetra and EpetraExt

Mark Hoemmen

Russell Hooper [email]
Developer of NOX

Vicki Howle
Lead developer of Meros

Jonathan Hu [email]
Linear and Eigen Solvers Capability Area Leader
Lead developer of ML and MueLu

Chetan Jhurani

Joe Kotulski [email]
Lead developer of Pliris

Jason Kraftcheck [email]
Lead developer of Mesquite

Rich Lehoucq [email] [website]
Developer of Anasazi and Belos

Nicole Lemaster Slattengren [email]
Lead developer of CTrilinos

Jay Lofstead

Kevin Long [email]
Lead developer of Sundance
Developer of Thyra, Belos, and Teuchos

Karla Morris

Kurtis Nusbaum
Lead developer of Optika

Ron Oldfield [email]
I/O Support Capability Area Leader

Mike Parks

Roger Pawlowski [email]
Lead developer of NOX

Brent Perschbacher [email]
Scientific programmer, Framework developer

Kara Peterson [email]
Intrepid developer

Eric Phipps [email]
Developer of LOCA, NOX and Sacado

Vicki Porter

Andrey Prokopenko
Developer of MueLu

Siva Rajamanickam [email]
Lead Developer of ShyLU and Amesos2
Developer of Zoltan and Zoltan2

Denis Ridzal [email] [website]
Lead developer of Intrepid and ROL

Lee Ann Riesen [email]
Developer of Zoltan and Isorropia

Damian Rouson [email]
Lead developer of ForTrilinos

Andrew Salinger [email]
Nonlinear, Transient, and Optimization Solvers Capability Area Leader
Lead developer of LOCA

Nico Schlömer

Chris Siefert [email]
Developer of ML, MueLu, Ifpack, Ifpack2 and EpetraExt.

Greg Sjaardema

Bill Spotz

Dan Sunderland

Heidi Thornquist [email] [website]
Lead developer of Anasazi, Belos, and Teuchos

Boyd Tidwell

Ray Tuminaro [email] [website]
Lead developer of ML and Meros

Dena Vigil

Jim Willenbring [email]
Framework, Tools, and Interfaces Capability Area Leader
Lead developer of the Trilinos Framework, New_Package, and Amesos
Developer of Epetra and Kokkos

Alan Williams [email]
Developer of Epetra, EpetraExt, and AztecOO

Past Contributors

Chris Baker
Eric Bavier
Lee Buermann
Cedric Chevalier
Jason Cross
David Gay
Michael Gee
Esteban Guillen
Bob Heaphy
Ulrich Hetmaniuk
Kris Kampshoff
Sarah Knepper
Patrick Knupp
Tammy Kolda
Joe Outzen
Mike Phenow

Radu Popescu
Paul Sexton
Ken Stanley
Marzio Sala