When creating links, you can use standard HTML or Markdown formatting. However, you can also implement an automated approach to linking that makes linking much less error-prone (meaning less chances of broken links in your output) and requiring less effort.
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When linking to an external site, use Markdown formatting because it’s simplest:


Linking to internal pages

When linking to internal pages, you can manually link to the pages like this:


However, if you change the file name, you’ll have to update all of your links. It’s much easier to use Automated links, as described in the next section.

This method for automated links creates a master list of all links in a Markdown reference format based on entries in your sidebar table of contents.

With this Automated links method, make sure all your pages are referenced in a sidebar or topnav data file (inside _data > sidebars). If they’re not in a sidebar or top nav (such as links to headings on a page), list them in the other.yml file (which is in the _data/sidebars folder).

The links.html file (in _includes) will iterate through all your sidebars and create a list of reference-style markdown links based on the url properties in the sidebar items.

To implement managed links:

  1. In your _config.yml file, list each sidebar in the sidebars property — including the other.yml file too:

    - home_sidebar
    - mydoc_sidebar
    - product1_sidebar
    - product2_sidebar
    - other
  2. At the bottom of each topic where you plan to include links, include the links.html file:

    {% include links.html %}
  3. To link to a topic, use reference-style Markdown links, with the referent using the file name (without the file extension). For example:

    See the [Icon][mydoc_icons] file.

    Here’s the result:

    See the [Icon][mydoc_icons] file.

    If the link doesn’t render, check to make sure the page is correctly listed in the sidebar.

If you’re linking to the specific heading from another page, first give the heading an ID:

## Some heading {#someheading}

Then add a property into the other.yml file in your _data/sidebars folder:

    - title: Some link bookmark
      url: /mydoc_pages.html#someIdTag

And reference it like this:

This is [Some link][mydoc_pages.html#someIdTag].


This is Some link.

It’s a little strange having the .html# in a reference like this, but it works.